Hi there! 👋
Welcome to this repository where you’ll find detailled information on my iTop extensions.
You’ll have access to:
- a description of their features,
- an installation guide,
- a list of the configuration parameters,
- some tutorials,
- their change logs.
Choose an extension below to get started! 🤓
- Background tasks control center: Manage background tasks (pause, resume, removed), check their execution time. Also visualize async. tasks currently in queue.
- Datacenter view: Easily manage & visualize your racks, enclosures and datacenter devices.
- Datacenter view extended: Base extension + advanced features / customizations 🚀
- FontAwesome 5 pack: Use new icon sets for both portal & console.
- Google analytics: Enable Google Analytics reporting on your iTop instance within seconds!
- Markdown viewer: Edit attributes in Markdown, view them as HTML.
- Multiple timezones display: Allow users to view or edit dates & times in their own timezone instead of the server’s default one.
Extensions integrated in iTop 3.0+, meaningful only for iTop 2.7 and older:
- Bubble caselogs: Change the look and feel of the caselogs to make it look like modern messaging app.
- Caselogs toggler: Finally a way to open / close all caselog entries at once!
- Console tooltips: Inform your users about the purpose of object fields with small tooltips.
If you like this project, you can buy me beer, always appreciated! 🍻😁